Education -- Science -- Societal Development

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Networking and Partnering

The HDRC seeks to extend to willing parties its networks of productive collaboration and partnerships at local, national, and global frontiers to enhance Africa's education, science, human and societal development, and global exchanges and cross-fertilization of knowledge from contextualized research. A Board of Directors, an International Advisory Board, and Collaborative/Partnership networks sustain and move forward the goals and programs of the HDRC.
If you are interested in networking, collaborating, or partnering with the HDRC, click here.
The HDRC is an interdisciplinary, equal opportunity facility registered in 1995 in Cameroon for research, policy, and societal outreach on lifespan human development, with special focus on the next generations – children and youth – in families and communities facing rapid social and technological challenges.
Today's young people, who constitute over 60% of the population in much of Africa, are tomorrow's citizens, leaders and competitors in a turbulent globalized world of cyberspaces, ICTs and more. They are Africa's fragile bridge into an uncertain future, who require support.
Conspicuous in sub-Saharan Africa by its virtual scarcity are centres of excellence in human resources development.
HDRC's long-term goal is to evolve the HDRC into an African Centre of Excellence for Human Services Psychology (HSP) and to contribute to unlocking Africa's enormous potentials and generative capacities.
Our efforts are to understand and enhance the strengths and positive elements of Africa's rich heritages; with particular focus of research and service on the life courses of youngsters and the strategies they deploy to navigate their difficult life circumstances.
The HDRC blends knowledge and skills from triangulation of the methodologies of the social, behavioral, health and educative sciences into understanding and intervening Africa's theory of the universe, human embedding in African contexts, and the participative processes of Africa's timeless traditions and current realities.
HDRC is not a grant-awarding institution; it is a grant-seeking facility. If you consider helping out, you can contact us.

Strategic Statement
Aware of their considerable but underused talents and skills, the founders of the HDRC initiated the laborious process of institutional building with start-off contributions from their meager resources, ready to compete for research/project grants and to seek donor charities and donations from the generous spirit of the donor and development communities.