A. Bame Nsamenang is professor of psychology and counselling at the University of Bamenda, Cameroon, where he serves as Head of the University Cooperation Division. He is a visiting professor to the University of Buea and the Bamenda University of Science and Technology (BUST) and an Adjunct Professor of Early Childhood Development (ECD) with the University of Victoria, BC, Canada. He is the founding director of a research and service facility, the Human Development Resource Centre (www.thehdrc.org), which hosts an Africa-centric international initiative for research and publishing of literature and educative tools that are sensitive to African child development and teacher education.
Nsamenang is a leading African developmental scientist and psychologist who is well connected to global scientific and professional networks within which he strives to garner opportunities for Africa's emerging scholars and strategizes to bring Africa's developmental and educative knowledge and practices into Western-dominated scientific discourses and literature. In this role he gained funding and led publication of the Handbook of African Educational Theories and Practices: A Generative Teacher Education Curriculum in September 2011 (Nsamenang, A.B, & Tchombe, T.M.S., 2011) from the Jacobs Foundation, Zurich.
He won the inaugural international fellow (2008) of the Society for Research on Adolescence for his research and work with African youth and theory development in adolescent research. His research and practice seek to understand and improve the circumstances of Africa's future generations – children and youth. He has published very influential works in developmental and educative sciences. He served as an appointed member of the Executive Committee of the ISSBD from 1998-2011 when he was elected as a substantive member for 2012-2018.
With Prof. Mathew Gwanfogbe, Prof. Nsamenang was a member of the two-man transition team that administered ENS Annex Bambili after the untimely death of Prof. Victor Mbong Amazee until the appointment of a Director.
Foreword to the volume Developing Autonomous and Relational Identities:
Preface to Nsamenang's Developing Autonomous and Relational Identities: A Generative Research Framework: